Simple modeling with Maya

How time flies its been a week since the start of my visual effects classes! Been having fun exploring how maya works and all. Got to admit it can be a little frustrating at times, and a lot more tedious than you think, but I believe time and practice will make it all better eventually….

Well, here are just some snapshots of what I did.

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A silly little Ant I did during class for fun =)

This ant is special to me because it is the first thing I modelled without any instructions or reference! Ok, I cheated a little. My friend told me I could start with 3 sphere segments. Then she taught me how to do the hands. Well, I still did most of it! At first, when I only had the 3 spheres, she thought it was a ribbon. oh wells :/

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Navigating through a city scene

We did a rough city scene to play around with cameras. So we could animate the cameras and show different perspectives of the city. pretty cool besides the fact I kept messing up with the camera’s position and shots get tilted unintentionally :/

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Of Monsters and Magic Balls

This wasn’t really planned. I was just playing along with extrude and gravity and animation. Well, it is animated but I cannot be bothered to render it into a video. I had this scene to experiment with pivot movements and parenting attributes.

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Shattering solids

We also learnt how to shatter solids and all you need to tweak is how many fragments you want it to shatter into. Maya does all the other computations! that’s so cool. I don’t know why the inside of my grey ball is yellow though.

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Strawberry model – Thanks to irvin390 for his tutorial on youtube!

I really like this strawberry and seriously I cannot imagine how one could devise the steps to create such a realistic looking one so simply. Anyway for those interested, here is the tutorial I followed:

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